Monday, July 8, 2019

Carnage And Glory Napoleonics at ODMS

On Sunday, July 7th, a group of us convened for a learning game of Carnage and Glory 2 in Newport News, Virginia. The scenario was relatively small and basic and was set in the early stages of the 1812 campaign. We had one veteran C&G player and two members who were merely interested to see what the buzz was all about. 

For those who don't know, Carnage And Glory 2 is a set of computer-moderated rules written by Nigel Marsh.  I've been playing since 1992, so it was a pleasure to demonstrate a game for the members of the Old Dominion Military Society (ODMS).

The Scenario:  In order to cover the retreat of Raevsky's Russian corps in the face of French Marshal Davout's rapid advance in the area of Saltanovka, a small rearguard consisting of Paskevitch's 26th Division (with attached cavalry) was placed in the vicinity of one of the many anonymous Russian villages.  Davout's advanced guard, consisting of General de Division Morand's infantry division, along with Bourdessoulle's light cavalry brigade advanced on the position and deployed for battle at approximatey 2:30 pm on July 7th, 1812.

View of the terrain from the French left flank

View from the front of the French position

The Russian position was formidable, with a strong village and several wooded areas to anchor on. Morand's division did outnumber the Russian infantry, as well as having full regiment of C+ rated Legere infantry.  The Russians, in turn, had twice as many guns as the French, but no Jagers for decent woods-fighting capability. The cavalry was relatively equal on both sides, although the French did have a slight advantage in quality against multiple Cossack units. 

The action began with the Cossacks and French Chasseurs occupying the central woods in skirmish formation, effectively denying the use of woods to each other.  Action in these woods consisted of multiple insults and rude gestures aplenty. French Chasseurs did advance around the wooded area on the Russian right flank to threaten a horse battery on the heights. Rapid redeployment of Russian Hussars and Cossacks stabilized this area. 

Opposing light cavalry units in skirmish order verbally insulting each other in the woods. 

As the French advanced in the center, French batteries began to pound an isolated Russian battalion in the vicinity of the village. Ominously, a unit of Russian Hussars approached and launched a long-range charge against the flank of the French horse guns. Unfortunately, the movement of the Russians began at such a distance that the French guns were able to prolong and face the charge. Add to the resultant defensive fire some supporting fire from another French battery, and the Russians suffered 175 casualties and melted away. The charge did cause a minor bit of chaos in the French ranks, but many Russian Hussars were on the ground as the smoke cleared. 

View of the French advance. The Russian Hussars can be seen readying their charge in the left side of the picture. 

Some cavalry action on the Russian right actually saw two Cossack units throw back French Chasseurs. This was a surprise that allowed the Russians to gain the advantage in this sector. In the center and French right flank, infantry advanced steadily against the Russian infantry. One French Ligne unit threw themselves into the village itself but was met with murderous volley fire from the defending Russians. Courageously, the French infantry held on and continued to contest the village. With the crossroads in French hands, and the village contested, Morand's command had a territorial advantage.  Another charge against the flank of the isolated Russian unit in front of the village, which was already worn down by skirmishing and artillery fire, resulted in a rout ! After a couple of turns, the game was called and the French ended with a minor victory. 

 Action on the French right flank

 Advancing French troops

French infantry gain a foothold in the village

Overall, it was a fast-moving and well-played game. Everyone seemed to enjoy the scenario as well as the Carnage and Glory system.  Hopefully, we will see this outstanding rules system grow within our club !  Thanks to the players who attended and made it a great game !

After stragglers and walking wounded returned to the ranks after the battle, the French total casualties were only 139, while the Russians suffered 411. The Russians were forced to withdraw from the village and the French regrouped to continue their march against the rear of Raevsky's Corps.