Sunday, April 30, 2017

Battle of Fair Oaks, May 31st 1862

In preparation for the future release of Dave Brown's Napoleonic rules General de Armee, I recently purchased his American Civil War rules (that have many of the same concepts), Pickett's Charge. It's been a while since I've set up an ACW battle, so I thought I'd give it a go. As the American Civil War has always been a smaller side project (in comparison to the black hole that I reside in called Napoleonic wargaming), I only have about 5 brigades painted up for both the Yankees and the Confederates. So, after perusing some of my Guns at Gettysburg scenario books, I settled on a nice-sized divisional battle that would fit on a 6'x 5' table, the battle of Fair Oaks (known as Seven Pines to the Confederates).

Action close to Fair Oaks Station

After studying Pickett's Charge for about a week, I then converted the OOB's in the scenario book to the new rules. Each side consisted of 4 brigades each and approximately 8,000 men. The scenario was therefore very balanced, although I selected it specifically due to the fact that reinforcements for both sides arrived at different times. One of the aspects of Pickett's Charge that interested me most was the command and control system, which was very different from most rules that I play. This scenario would certainly put this new system to the test.

I was not disappointed; Pickett's Charge is an outstanding and impressive set of rules. I found the game very entertaining and filled with uncertainty and the chaos of combat.

Background of the Peninsula Campaign

As a part of the Peninsula Campaign, the battle of Fair Oaks marked the closest distance that the Union would approach Richmond and preceded the Seven Days' battles, during which General Robert E. Lee counterattacked and forced General McClellan's forces to retreat from Richmond. Up to this point, General McClellan had marched up from the Tidewater Virginia area through Yorktown and Williamsburg, to the outskirts of the Confederate capital. On May 31st, the Confederate commander-in-chief, General Joseph E. Johnston took the opportunity to attack two seemingly isolated Union corps south of the Chickahominy river. The larger contest, of which this scenario is but a part of, saw 39,000 Confederates versus 34,000 Yankees.

The action was fierce and, although tactically a draw that was continued on June 1st, General McClellan was shaken to the point of hesitation. The battle of Fair Oaks (Seven Pines) was second only to Shiloh at this point of the war in terms of casualties. Most notably, General Johnston was severely wounded on the evening of May 31st and replaced by General Robert E. Lee, who would go on to make a huge impact on the entire war.

Our scenario is but a part of the larger contest, the action taking place in the approximate center of the map below:

The Historical Battle

In this section of the battle, Couch's brigade of Federals held firm against the advance of three Confederate brigades. Meanwhile, steady Union reinforcements began arriving, bolstering the Yankee line. With two Union batteries providing continuous support fire against the advancing Confederates, losses on Whiting's division were very heavy. After a tough day of fighting, Whiting's division was unable to dislodge the Yankees and the Union forces continued to hold the field and were considered the victor.

Confederate casualties were approximately 1,270 compared to Union casualties of 468. In addition, Confederate Generals Pettigrew and Hampton were wounded, while Hatton was killed in action.

The Scenario

Our scenario represents the center of the action on May 31st. In the vicinity of the town of Fair Oaks Station, Brigadier General Couch was holding a position with a Union infantry brigade near the Adams' house. Major General Longstreet sent three brigades under Brigadier General Whiting to overwhelm this position and drive the federals back. Hearing the sounds of battle, Union II Corps commander, Brigadier General Sumner dispatched a division under Brigadier General John Sedgwick to reinforce Couch's isolated position and counterattack the confederates. Unfortunately, the Union reinforcements had to cross the Chickahominy river over the Grapevine bridge, which was in ill-repair. Against the odds, Sedgwick's troops did pass over the bridge, which collapsed right after the last of the Union troops passed over it.

On our table, Couch's brigade was deployed near the Adams' house in the center of the table. The Confederate brigades of Pettigrew, Law and Hampton were deployed against it. There is wooded area and fenced-in fields throughout the table, so the rebels had some difficult terrain to move through.

Couch's brigade thinly deployed near the Adams' house

Law's Confederate brigade prepares to advance through the woods

Hampton' s brigade is deployed against Couch's right flank

Union reinforcements: Beginning on Turn 1, Gorman's brigade is available to enter the table as an on-board reserve formation. The other two Union brigades under Generals Burns and Dana will enter in maneuver columns on the southeast corner road behind Gorman.

In Pickett's Charge, any reinforcements need to be activated as on-board (or off-board, depending on the scenario) reserves, which requires an extra ADC.

Confederate reinforcements: Brigadier General Hatton's brigade will enter in maneuver columns on the Nine Mile Road (in the northwest corner of the table). This brigade will be available as an on-table reserve beginning on turn 4.

Victory Conditions: The game will last 15 turns. The side which controls more than half of the table will win the scenario.

The Game

On game turn 1, the Union infantry was outnumbered 3 to 1 against the advancing Confederates, but General Gorman's bigade was poised to enter in the southwest corner.

I think it's necessary to describe the command and control system of Pickett's Charge, which I think is one of the hallmarks of the rules. Basically, each brigade is rolled for and is determined to be in one of several states: Activated, Hesitant, or Faltering (resulting from previous routed or "whipped" units). An Activated brigade may move, charge, and fire normally, while a Hesitant brigade may not charge or move closer to the enemy. A Faltering brigade has to roll on a separate table and might even withdraw or rout from the enemy. Before the activation roll, each division commander rolls for a certain number of ADC's which he can attach to the brigades to either influence the activation roll or to perform special functions. For example, in order to activate an on-board reserve brigade an ADC is required. An attached ADC can also allow for a reroll of the activation in case the brigade commander fails the first roll. Other functions that require additional ADC's include Double Time (entire brigade gets a bonus move) or Artillery Assault (artillery batteries have increased chance for inflicting casualties at the cost of increasing fatigue). I found that ADC's became very scarce when needed and a large part of the decision-making was where to focus these limited resources to where I felt the focus of the battle needed to be. This system is a mechanism that proved to be very realistic and irritating at times.......I felt that it modelled the challenges of command in an outstanding way.

At the start of the game, utilizing all available ADC's, Law's brigade of Confederate infantry was Hesitant, while the other two Confederate brigades were activated. Couch's Union brigade and Gorman's oncoming brigade were both activated.

During the first couple of turns, Couch's brigade simply held their position and reformed behind fence rails to await the advancing Confederates. The brigade's artillery battery swung into action, causing a couple of long range casualties.  Gorman's brigade continued to advance along the road in march columns. The plan was to deploy this brigade to Couch's right flank in the woods, in order to counter Hampton's Confederates.

Gorman's brigade of infantry begins to maneuver onto the table
One of Couch's regiments, the 31st Pennsylvania attempts to counter Hampton's men in the woods
Men from Hampton and Pettigrew's brigades begin to menace the Union position
Over the next few turns, the Confederates continued to advance but found the going tough through the woods and over fence rails. When crossing rough ground in Pickett's Charge, a formation test is rolled. If failed, the unit will become Unformed (temporary disorder), although the full movement is still taken. As the Confederate regiments struggled to maneuver into attacking position, Gorman's brigade of Union infantry continued to quickly march to the support of Couch's brigade. In the command phase, the Union player was able to dispatch 2 ADC's and succeeded in "Double Timing" Gorman's troops which significantly helped the Federal situation.
Confederate troops begin to converge on the Union position
The 35th Georgia regiment of Pettigrew's brigade advances through the corn field
Gorman's brigade continues its march to support Couch's right flank
At this point, opposing infantry regiments began to open up with musketry. The advancing Confederates begin taking the worst of it, as the Union artillery added to the savage fire from the infantry. Several Confederate regiments begin to lose "fire discipline" and become Unformed.  Law's brigade, after a slow start begins to move through the woods to threaten Couch's left flank, forcing the 7th Massachusetts regiment to redeploy in support of this flank.
Attacking Confederates from Hampton's brigade become unformed in the face of Federal fire
The 7th Massachusetts is forced to deploy in defense of the Union left flank
Meanwhile, in the center, the 35th Georgia took crushing casualties while advancing through the corn field and ended up as "whipped" (basically a unit that is forced to retreat) and withdrew to the rear of Pettigrew's brigade. Hampton's troops were starting to succeed in causing casualties to the 31st Pennsylvania, causing a bit of a "pucker factor" on Couch's right flank.
Law's brigade engaging the Union left flank
Gorman's reinforcements beginning to bolster the Union right flank
Pettigrew's brigade forming attack columns to "force" the Union center
The action began to turn furious as the Confederates were threatening all across the Union line. Gorman's brigade had arrived in support of the right flank, but Hampton's men were advancing in force. At this point, the Union player began to have problems rolling for ADC's and was unable to assign an ADC for Burns' brigade, which was poised to enter the table as an on-board reserve. Burns' brigade was supposed to march to the Union left this delay caused some anxiety for the Union player as only the 7th Massachusetts was holding the flank.
Pettigrew's brigade, which had already taken heavy casualties, began forming attack columns to march back though the corn field and crush the Union center. This turned out to be a mistake as the Union battery decimated the columns (part of me wanted to see how the rules performed in this regard), rendering Pettigrew's attack a failure.
On the Union left, the beleaguered 7th Massachusetts was continuing to hold but was taking serious casualties, especially from Law's sharpshooters. On turn 9, we saw our first charge, as Brigadier General Law led the 4th Alabama against the worn 7th Massachusetts. As the Yankees saw the Rebels charge, they turned tail and were "whipped." The Union left flank was "in the air."  Fortunately for the Union, Law's brigade became Hesitant after the charge and Burns' brigade was already on the way to bolster the flank.
On the right flank, Hampton's men were causing serious casualties among Gorman's troops in the woods. Except for the center, the Union player was in serious trouble.
Union artillery was breaking up Pettigrew's attack columns
With Law leading the charge, the 4th Alabama throws back the 7th Massachusetts
Casualties began to seriously mount on the Union right flank
The Union left flank is now hanging in the air
Burns' brigade doubletiming to protect the left flank
At this point in the battle, the command and control system reared its ugly head for the Confederates. With Law's brigade having a golden opportunity to engulf the Union position, it became Hesitant two turns in a row, while the Union player rolled well and was able to "doubletime" Burns' brigade into position. Although frustrating for the Confederate player, such are the fortunes of war.
In addition, one of Hampton's regiments became "whipped" due to casualties, causing a Falter marker to be placed on the brigade.  On the next turn, the brigade was forced to retire from their position in the woods. Gorman's brigade gained a welcome break, as these troops were barely holding on due to casualties.
The last of the reinforcements for both sides were on the table, with Hatton's Confederate brigade marching to the center and Dana's Union brigade just entering the southwest road.
The Union forces beginning to solidify a nice defensive line
Due to the Confederate struggles with command and control, this breather allowed the Union forces to form a nice defensive line, and with Dana's brigade marching onto the tabletop, there was defense in depth. But Brigadier General Law was having none of it. Replacing the worn 4th Alabama, the 2nd Mississippi advanced to charge Burns' lead regiment, the 106th Pennsylvania. The Mississippians were victorious, forcing the Pennsylvanians to retire, but then ran smack into the 72nd Pennsylvania regiment, which knocked them back.  
The 2nd Mississippi was initially successful in its charge against the 106th Pennsylvania....
....But was thrown back by the 72nd Pennsylvania, along with their supports, the 4th Alabama
It was Turn 14 in the battle, and besides a half-heartened attempt at threatening the Union artillery in the center (which failed), the Confederates were hurting. With Dana's brigade bolstering the depth of the entire line, the left flank was secure and Gorman's troops were advancing on the right flank. Hatton's Confederate brigade was still forming up in the center and Pettigrew's brigade was "Tuckered out" and thus more difficult to Activate. The game was called at this point; the Union position was very strong and they controlled the field.
The Union enjoyed a strong defensive line at the end of the battle
The battle was considered a Union victory. Not only was the Federal line very strong at this point, but they controlled slightly over half of the table. In addition, Confederate losses were much higher than their Yankee opponents. All in all, the battle mirrored the final results of the historical fight. Confederate casualties were 1,560 (historical 1,270) compared to Union casualties of 480 (historical 468).
Pickett's Charge proved to be an incredible game. The mechanisms for firing, combat, and command/control seemed right on target. The unique command and control system not only provided opportunities for strategic decisions, but provided a large amount of drama. The battle swayed back and forth, and while the Confederates had a couple of golden opportunities to collapse the Union flanks, several horrible command rolls on the Rebel side allowed the Union player to jump right back into the game. I can't wait to jump back into another ACW battle with these rules. I was incredibly impressed and highly recommend Pickett's Charge !

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Battle of Schellenberg, October 6th, 1813

This past weekend, Doug Kline (of Battlefield Terrain Concepts) and I met in beautiful Roanoke, Virginia for some Napoleonic gaming. Doug dug deep into the 1813 archives to come up with an interesting "what-if" scenario set in the vicinity of Chemnitz (Saxony) between Marshal Murat and elements of the Austrian Army of Bohemia. Between grilled steaks and good German beer and schnapps, we managed to get in a fair amount of gaming, playing through the scenario twice. As always, it was an incredibly fun time doing what we do best: eating, drinking, and pushing lead.

Carnage and Glory 2 was our rules system of choice and, as always, it did a fantastic job of producing a top-flight simulation of Napoleonic warfare.

Doug's beautiful terrain and magnificent figures provided the backdrop of an outstanding game

The Scenario

During the latter days of the 1813 campaign, the Emperor Napoleon was seeking to destroy the Prussians, Swedes, and Russians in a grand maneuver. Recent defeats by subordinates were jeopardizing ultimate victory, yet Napoleon still resolved to crush his enemies before him.  To accomplish this, the French had to keep the allies separated. In particular, one army's location and activity was unknown to the Emperor; namely the Austrian Army of Bohemia. In order to determine where and what the Army of Bohemia was up to, Napoleon tasked Murat with a rather large force to locate and delay the Austrians as long as possible.

Murat was given command of the V Cavalry Corps, II Corps, V Corps, and VIII Corps. The flamboyant marshal was able to uncover enemy activity in the area of Zwickau, Annaberg, and Chemnitz, which led Napoleon to order Murat to conduct a "reconnaissance in force" to ascertain what was ahead of him. As Murat advanced, he realized that he had to clear enemy forces threatening his left flank in the vicinity of Augustusberg and Schellenberg. He tasked Victor's II Corps, Pajol's V Cavalry Corps, and the 1st Light Cavalry division to advance into this area on October 6th, 1813.

The tabletop represents this area to the right of Chemnitz. Historically, the Austrian troops under FML Murray were spread out as the French marched onto the table from various points. Finding themselves about to be overwhelmed, the Austrians called for reinforcements as they conducted a fighting retreat. Reinforcements never came and Murat secured the heights above Augustusberg, which gave him a full view of the Austrian forces in the area. Having accomplished his primary task of reconnaissance, Murat decided not to push further that day. Austrian casualties were about 400 while French losses were even less. Historically, the battle was merely a large skirmish.

Our scenario assumes that Murray was successful in activating the rest of his division as reinforcements. In addition, Feldzeugmeister Gyulai actually paid attention to the French advance and sent reinforcements to shore up Murray's position. So, instead of a "reconnaissance in force," the skirmish turned into a full-scale engagement.

Turn 1 was to begin at 10:00 am. The Austrian outposts under Murray were spread out and in a bad position as the French marched onto the table.

The tabletop

Reference the above picture for initial deployments. The French marched on from the top edge of the table as well as the right side of the table (Hohenfichte). The Austrians had 2 infantry battalions on the heights opposing the primary French advance. A few squadrons of Austrian cavalry, one battalion of infantry, and a battery were spread out in this area. Not a good defensive position! On the bottom edge of the table, the rest of FML Murray's division were poised to march on as reinforcements, but were delayed until turn 2.

A different shot of the table, with the French marching on at the bottom of the table and to the left of the table.

In our game, there were some tense moments as the Austrian outposts attempted to consolidate and retreat in the face of the French advance. As the remainder of Murray's division under Generalmajor Salins was delayed until turn 2, this left the Austrians desperate and without support. The French marched on methodically and seemingly without initial resistance. French lancers preceded the infantry as columns spread out onto the field from the town of Hohenfichte (on the right side of the table in the first picture). General de Brigade Pire's light cavalry and DuFour's division of infantry pursued the Austrians downhill from the heights overlooking the village of Plauen (the top edge of the first picture). Another French column advanced from Plauen to threaten the Austrian left flank. The Austrians scrambled to form some semblance of a defensive line.

French lancers protect the infantry columns debarking from Hohenfichte

DuFour's division of infantry with French light cavalry advance against the two Austrian infantry battalions manning the heights

French troops also threaten the Austrian left from the direction of the village of Plauen

But in the face of the French advance, against the odds, the Austrians were forming a semblance of a defensive position. The wooded strip opposite Hohenfichte offered a nice sanctuary for the Austrian infantry; as the French approached piecemeal, the large Austrian units issued powerful volleys in defense. The infantry retreating down the heights above Plauen were skirmished mercilessly in their retreat by the French legere troops, but hung in the fight.

Austrian infantry form a nice defensive line in the face of the French advance

Infantry retreating from the heights pursued by DuFour's infantry and light cavalry

French troops force their way onto the Austrian left flank

By this time, Salins' brigade was marching in maneuver column towards the beleaguered Austrian position. Although the French had advanced steadily from Hohenfichte, the Austrian position on the right flank had stabilized. The Austrians in front of Grunberg were pushed to the limit....and to the French player's surprise, one Austrian battalion actually charged the 2 French infantry columns facing it. The defensive fire was feeble, but supporting fire from an adjacent French battery forced the Austrians back. A big sigh of relief from the French player was overheard.

Austrian reinforcements begin to arrive

Austrian and French forces face off on the Austrian right flank

Austrian infantry unexpectedly charge and were only barely stopped by supporting artillery fire

At this point, although the French had occupied Grunberg as the Austrian infantry fell back in disorder, the Austrians had formed a nice defensive line and the battle was beginning to turn into a stalemate. The Austrian player had retreated in admirable form against great odds. The Austrian fatigue and morale were suffering though, but at least the French advance had been blunted.

The Austrian right flank had stabilized

The forces were in a stalemate with lines drawn

As the forces faced off, Crenneville's Austrian division was marching to the field. Grenz light troops had also arrived and these large units were pushing French legere in the woods on the extreme Austrian right. By this time, L'Heritier's French dragoon division had also arrived and the first brigade was advancing in the center and onto the Austrian left.

More Austrian reinforcements arrive........the tide is beginning to turn

L'Heritier's dragoon division arrives

In order to break the stalemate and take advantage of the weak fatigue and morale states of the Austrians, something dramatic had to happen. More and more Austrian reinforcements were arriving in support; after a promising start to the battle, the French player was sensing the chance of victory slipping away.

Austrian reinforcements even arrived on the French right flank, but a new defensive line was quickly formed with cavalry in support.

After a couple of turns, the dragoons were ready to strike. In conjunction with French lancers, the first dragoon brigade charged. The French player was attempting to wear down the Austrians in the center with artillery placed on the heights, but it was a gamble charging battalions with no adverse markers.

The French cavalry charged the Austrian center. was a success. The 5th Chevauleger-lanciers almost destroyed the 3/Erzherzog Ludwig infantry battalion as the dragoons all converged on the center. Not every charge was a success, but the Austrian center was forced into either squares or closed columns. And above all, the Austrian fatigue and morale worsened to the point where the situation was now deemed hopeless for the Austrians. The game was called at this point. (The French player silently breathed yet another sigh of relief).

Although the French player was thankful for the victory, the Austrians had almost pulled off a miracle and had played a very difficult scenario brilliantly. It was a well-played game on both sides and deserved to be well toasted with German schnapps.

Consulting the Carnage and Glory 2 system, the battle was determined to be a Minor French Victory. After walking wounded and returning stragglers were added the following day, the French suffered a total of  1391 casualties and 4 cannon lost. The Austrians suffered 2485 casualties with 13 cannon lost.

In retrospect, the Carnage and Glory 2 system tracked the fatigue and morale to a level that led to the resignation of the Austrian player. Without the effect of failing fatigue and morale, the Austrians could have hung on much longer.  I don't know any other rules system that is as accurate and capable when it comes to analyzing an overall battle situation.

I've had a couple of requests for the orders of battle. Here they are:

Army Murat

[ 101] Marechal d'Empire Murat - Active A [1600 paces]

Corps Victor

[ 102] Marechal d'Empire Victor - Active B+ [1400 paces]

  Division Dubreton - Attack

[ 103] General de Division Dubreton - Active B+ [950 paces]

  Brigade Ferriere - Attack

    [ 104] General de Brigade Ferriere - Active B+ [500 paces]

            [ 101] 1/24 Legere                       0/ 543      C  [sk+]    

            [ 102] 2/24 Legere                       0/ 462      C  [sk+]    

            [ 103] 4/24 Legere                       0/ 426      C- [sk+]    

            [ 104] 1/19 Ligne                         0/ 427      C  [sk+]    

            [ 105] 2/19 Ligne                         0/ 455      C  [sk+]    

            [ 106] 4/19 Ligne                         0/ 377      C- [sk+]    

    Brigade Brun - Attack

    [ 105] General de Brigade Brun - Active B+ [500 paces]

            [ 107] 1/37 Ligne                        0/ 353      C  [sk+]    

            [ 108] 2/37 Ligne                        0/ 413      C  [sk+]    

            [ 109] 4/37 Ligne                        0/ 371      C- [sk+]    

            [ 110] 1/56 Ligne                        0/ 493      C  [sk+]    

            [ 111] 2/56 Ligne                        0/ 494      C  [sk+]    

            [ 112] 4/56 Ligne                        0/ 405      C- [sk+]    

    Regiment Reisser - Attack

    [ 106] Chef de Battalion Reisser - Active B+ [250 paces]

            [ 113] 7/2nd Foot Artillery              0/ 200 [ 8] C+          

            [ 114] 11/4th Foot Artillery             0/ 200 [ 8] C+          

  Division Dufour - Attack

  [ 107] General de Division Dufour - Active B+ [950 paces]

    Brigade Estko - Attack

    [ 108] General de Brigade Estko - Active B+ [500 paces]

            [ 115] 1/26 Legere                       0/ 533      C  [sk+]    

            [ 116] 2/26 Legere                       0/ 533      C  [sk+]

            [ 117] 4/26 Legere                       0/ 531      C- [sk+]    

            [ 118] 1/93 Ligne                         0/ 415      C  [sk+]    

            [ 119] 2/93 Ligne                         0/ 430      C  [sk+]

            [ 120] 4/93 Ligne                         0/ 430      C- [sk+]

    Brigade Lahne - Attack

    [ 109] Colonel Lahne - Active B+ [500 paces]

            [ 121] 1/46 Ligne                        0/ 569      D+ [sk+]    

            [ 122] 1/72 Ligne                        0/ 607      D+ [sk+]

    Regiment Grosset - Attack

    [ 110] Chef de Battalion Grosset - Active B+ [250 paces]

            [ 123] 3/5th Foot Artillery              0/ 200 [ 8] C+          

  Division Vial - Attack

  [ 111] General de Division Vial - Active B+ [950 paces]

    Brigade Valory - Attack

    [ 112] General de Brigade Valory - Active B+ [500 paces]

            [ 124] 1/11 Legere                       0/ 528      C  [sk+]    

            [ 125] 2/11 Legere                       0/ 450      C  [sk+]    

            [ 126] 4/11 Legere                       0/ 426      C- [sk+]    

            [ 127] 1/4 Ligne                          0/ 440      C  [sk+]    

            [ 128] 2/4 Ligne                          0/ 548      D+ [sk+]    

            [ 129] 4/4 Ligne                          0/ 389      C- [sk+]    

    Brigade Bronikowski - Attack

    [ 113] General de Brigade Bronikowski - Active B+ [500 paces]

            [ 130] 1/2 Ligne                        0/ 465      C  [sk+]

            [ 131] 2/2 Ligne                        0/ 529      C  [sk+]    

            [ 132] 4/2 Ligne                        0/ 432      C- [sk+]  

           [ 133] 1/18 Ligne                       0/ 539      D+ [sk+]
           [ 134] 2/18 Ligne                        0/ 544      D+ [sk+]    
           [ 135] 4/18 Ligne                        0/ 512      D+ [sk+]    
    Regiment Louis - Attack
    [ 114] Chef de Battalion Louis - Active  B+ [250 paces]
            [ 136] 25/3rd Foot Artillery             0/ 200 [ 8] C+          
            [ 137] 26/3rd Foot Artillery             0/ 200 [ 4] C+      
    Brigade Mongenet - Attack
    [ 115] General de Brigade Mongenet - Active B+ [500 paces]
            [ 138] 10/6rd Foot Artillery             0/ 200 [ 8] C+          
            [ 139] 1/2nd Horse Artillery             0/ 150 [ 6] B-          

  Division Berkheim - Attack
  [ 116] General de Division Berkheim - Active B+ [950 paces]
    Brigade Montmarie - Attack
    [ 117] General de Brigade Montmarie - Active B+ [500 paces]
            [ 140] 16th Chasseur a Cheveal           0/ 185      C  [sk+]    
            [ 141] 1st Chevauleger-lancier            0/ 185      C  [sk+]
            [ 142] 3rd Chevauleger-lancier           0/ 185      C  [sk+]
    Brigade Piquet - Attack
    [ 118] General de Brigade Piquet - Active B+ [500 paces]
            [ 143] 5th Chevauleger-lancier           0/ 180      C  [sk+]
            [ 144] 8th Chevauleger-lancier           0/ 180      C  [sk+]    
            [ 145] 1st Italian Chasseur a Cheval    0/ 200      C- [sk+]

Corps Pajol
[ 119] General de Division Pajol - Active B+ [1400 paces]
            [ 160] 2/3rd Horse Artillery             0/ 150 [ 6] B-          
  Division Pire - Attack
  [ 120] General de Brigade Pire - Active B+ [950 paces]
    Brigade Klicki - Attack
    [ 121] General de Brigade Klicki - Active B+ [500 paces]
            [ 146] 3rd Hussar                                0/ 163      C  [sk+] (14)
            [ 147] 27th Chasseur a Cheval            0/ 264      C  [sk+]
    Brigade C. Vial - Attack
    [ 122] General de Brigade C. Vial - Active B+ [500 paces]
            [ 148] 14th Chasseur a Cheval            0/ 188      C  [sk+] 
[ 149] 26th Chasseur a Cheval                        0/ 178      C  [sk+]
            [ 150] 13th Hussar                               0/ 135      C+ [sk+]
  Division L'Heritier - Attack
  [ 123] General de Division L'Heritier - Active B+ [950 paces]
    Brigade Quennet - Attack
    [ 124] General de Brigade Quennet - Active B+ [500 paces]
            [ 151] 2nd Dragoon                       0/ 333      C       
            [ 152] 6th Dragoon                       0/ 270      C           
    Brigade Collard - Attack
    [ 125] General de Brigade Collard - Active B+ [500 paces]
            [ 153] 11th Dragoon                      0/ 360      C           
            [ 154] 13th Dragoon                      0/ 187      C       
            [ 155] 15th Dragoon                      0/ 270      C           
  Division Milhaud - Attack
  [ 126] General de Division Milhaud - Active B+ [950 paces]
    Brigade Larmotte - Attack
    [ 127] General de Brigade Larmotte - Active B+ [500 paces]
            [ 156] 18th Dragoon                      0/ 250      C           
            [ 157] 19th Dragoon                      0/ 199      C           
    Brigade Montelegier - Attack
    [ 128] General de Brigade Montelegier - Active B+ [500 paces]
            [ 158] 22nd Dragoon                      0/ 330      C           
            [ 159] 25th Dragoon                       0/ 243      C           


Corps Graf I. Gyulai
[ 501] Feldzeugmeister Graf I. Gyulai - Active C [1200 paces]
            [ 536] 1st Heavy Position Battery        0/ 150 [ 6] C           
            [ 537] 1st Position Battery                   0/ 150 [ 6] C           
            [ 538] 2nd Position Battery                  0/ 150 [ 6] C           

  Division Crenneville - Attack
  [ 502] Feldmarschall-Leutnant Crenneville - Active C [800 paces]
    Brigade Hecht - Attack
    [ 503] Feldmarschall-Leutnant Hecht - Captured C [400 paces]
            [ 501] 1/Warasdiner Kreuzer Grenz        0/ 899      C- [sk+]    
            [ 502] 1/Warasdiner St. George Grenz     0/1004      C- [sk+]
            [ 511] 1st Cavalry Battery               0/150 [ 6] C           
    Regiment Klenau - Attack
    [ 504] Oberst Klenau - Active C [200 paces]
            [ 503] 1/Klenau Chevauleger              0/ 273      C  [sk+]    
            [ 504] 2/Klenau Chevauleger              0/ 210      C  [sk+]    
            [ 505] 3/Klenau Chevauleger              0/ 210      C  [sk+]
            [ 506] 4/Klenau Chevauleger              0/ 210      C  [sk+]
    Regiment Dauch - Attack
    [ 505] Oberst Dauch - Active C [200 paces]
            [ 507] 1/Rosenberg Chevauleger           0/ 201      C  [sk+]
            [ 508] 2/Rosenberg Chevauleger           0/ 201      C  [sk+]    
            [ 509] 3/Rosenberg Chevauleger           0/ 201      C  [sk+]    
            [ 510] 4/Rosenberg Chevauleger            0/ 201      C  [sk+]    

  Division Murray - Attack
  [ 506] Feldmarschall-Leutnant Murray - Active C [800 paces]
    Brigade Salins - Attack
    [ 507] Generalmajor Salins - Active C [400 paces]
            [ 512] 1/Erzherzog Ludwig Infantry       0/ 948      C- [sk-]    
            [ 513] 2/Erzherzog Ludwig Infantry       0/ 948      C- [sk-]    
            [ 514] 3/Erzherzog Ludwig Infantry       0/ 948      C- [sk-]    
            [ 515] 1/Wurzburg Infantry                     0/ 907      C- [sk-]
            [ 516] 2/Wurzburg Infantry                     0/ 907      C- [sk-]    
            [ 517] 3/Wurzburg Infantry                    0/ 907      C- [sk-]    
            [ 518] 1st Brigade Battery                      0/ 200      C-          
    Brigade Lowenwarth - Attack
    [ 508] Generalmajor Lowenwarth - Active C [400 paces]
            [ 519] 1/Mariassy Infantry                 0/ 752      C  [sk-]
            [ 520] 2/Mariassy Infantry                 0/ 751      C  [sk-]    
            [ 521] 1/Ignatz Gyulai Infantry          0/ 826      C- [sk-]
           [ 522] 2/Ignatz Gyulai Infantry           0/ 826      C- [sk-]  
  Division Weigel von Hessen-Homburg - Attack
  [ 509] Feldmarschall-Leutnant Weigel von Hessen-Homburg - Active C [800 paces]
    Brigade Czollich - Attack
    [ 510] Generalmajor Czollich - Active C [400 paces]
            [ 524] 1/Kottulinsky Infantry            0/ 738      C  [sk-]    
            [ 525] 2/Kottulinsky Infantry            0/ 738      C  [sk-]    
            [ 526] 3/Kottulinsky Infantry            0/ 738      C  [sk-]    
            [ 527] 1/Kaiser Franz Infantry           0/ 794      C- [sk-]    
            [ 528] 2/Kaiser Franz Infantry           0/ 794      C- [sk-]    
            [ 529] 3rd Brigade Battery                0/ 200 [ 8] C           
    Brigade Grimmer - Attack
    [ 511] Generalmajor Grimmer - Active C [400 paces]
            [ 530] 1/Kollowrath Infantry             0/ 801      C- [sk-]    
            [ 531] 2/Kollowrath Infantry             0/ 801      C- [sk-]    
            [ 532] 1/Frohlich Infantry                 0/ 930      D+ [sk-]    
            [ 533] 2/Frohlich Infantry                 0/ 930      D+ [sk-]    
            [ 534] 3/Frohlich Infantry                 0/ 930      D+ [sk-]    
            [ 535] 4th Brigade Battery                0/ 200 [ 8] C           

    Brigade Paumgarten - Attack
    [ 512] Generalmajor Paumgarten - Active C [400 paces]
            [ 539] 1/Palatinal Hussar                  0/ 260      C  [sk+]    
            [ 540] 2/Palatinal Hussar                  0/ 259      C  [sk+]    
            [ 541] 3/Palatinal Hussar                  0/ 259      C  [sk+]    
            [ 545] 2nd Cavalry Battery               0/ 150 [ 6] C           
    Regiment Zauten - Attack
    [ 513] Oberst Zauten - Active C [200 paces] -
            [ 542] 1/Erzherzog Ferdinand Hussar      0/ 209      C  [sk+]    
            [ 543] 2/Erzherzog Ferdinand Hussar      0/ 208      C  [sk+]    
            [ 544] 3/Erzherzog Ferdinand Hussar      0/ 208      C  [sk+]    

  Division Furst Hohenlohe-Bartenstein - Attack
  [ 514] Feldmarschall-Leutnant Furst Hohenlohe-Bartenstein - Active C [800 paces] -
    Brigade Schaffer - Attack
    [ 515] Generalmajor Schaffer - Active C [400 paces]
            [ 546] 1/Colloredo Infantry              0/1007      C- [sk-]    
            [ 547] 2/Colloredo Infantry              0/1007      C- [sk-]    
            [ 548] 1/Zach Infantry                      0/ 907      D+ [sk-]    
            [ 549] 2/Zach Infantry                      0/ 907      D+ [sk-]    
            [ 550] 3/Zach Infantry                      0/ 907      D+ [sk-]    
            [ 551] 5th Brigade Battery                0/ 200 [ 8] C